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Burn-In & Parametric Monitoring System
VRMON (Voltage and Resistance Monitoring) is designed exclusively to perform HTGB / HHTRB burn-in for IGBT module. Powered by SmartMonitor application softwaare, the system offering the most compact and high-capacity parametric monitoring system in market.
Voltage / Resistance
HTGB/HTRB burn-in testing requires the measurement of voltage and resistance. Simply adjust the rocker switch, user may choose for voltage or resistance measurement. The high quality reed-relay make the switching contact with minimal losses and reliable.
for High-Capacity, Non-differential measurement
In this configuration, all measuring channels share the same common signal. It is the most simplest measuring technique and suitable for high-speed and small voltage level application.
Add-On / Optional Feature
HTGB/HTRB Case Temperature is an essential parameteric for evaluation junction temperature and heat dissipation. The system provide an option add-on for T-Case monitoring. It use PT100 temperature sensor. The sensor is attached / mounted to the surface of each HTGB/HTRB casing for teamperature reading. SmartMonitor is offering up to 500 temperature monnitoring channels / sensors make it the most compact monitoring system in the market.
For 24/7 Parametric/Environment Monitoring
SmartMonitor features “paperless” data recording as an alternative to conventional and unmanaged paper chart recorder. Build-in statistical analysis allows end-user to analyze the performance and stability of recorded data In the instance of data abnormality or out-of-specification, the system will notify end-user through email notification or alarm triggering.
Always be informed.
The system offers many options when out-of-specification / error is happened during monitoring. They can be email notification, tower-light system, as well as whatsapp messages (add-on / separate subscription)
For historical data
The historical / offline data retrieval process may be a challenging task. SmartMonitor helps to organized into proper folder structure. The offline plotter namely 'DataViewer' allows user to re-plot the graph easily.